Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sheila's Letter from New York

Yes - it's not even Friday, but this blog is coming from New York. Here's our TGIF news update, so we'll just pretend it's Friday!

Good news theatre lovers, talented Canadians are taking over 42nd Street on Broadway! The oldest operating theatre on Broadway and the first to offer family shows is the Victory, where "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" opened last weekend. And our personal connection is the coauthor & creator, Craig Francis who grew up in Port Moody and now resides in Montreal. This is a Canadian production commissioned for the Panam Games last year and reworked for Broadway by Craig and coauthor, Rick Miller. It is a multimedia, current, clever, relevant and entertaining production - from the youngest to the oldest in the audience, the magic of exciting story telling and special effects took over. The online component is a smart addition.
And...right next door is the Lyric Theatre showing "Paramour", another Montreal production! Way to go Canucks!

In the interests of full disclosure, I have to say that I am the proud mother of Craig Francis and delivered personally the warm congratulations from our team as Craig has been an integral part of our marketing over many years. Now looking forward to the reviews as the New York Times critic in evidence!

Best wishes from the New York Airport!

Know that Michelle and Shane will keep you covered - see you soon. Sheila